Are you preparing for marriage? Preparing the ingredients for a recipe?
Getting prepared for a music recital? There is that magical word -

Were we all prepared for 9/11? Are we prepared to deal with a friend or relative
who has terminal cancer or involved in a serious traffic accident? Now.
perhaps there just are things in life that catch us un-prepared, so we make
do and then remind ourselves its time to move on, a new day, a new life, a new

Business failed? Car stalled? Fell on ice and twisted an ankle? And you hear
people say - "I just got a payout at work after 30 years, no mortgage, no debt?"
But what? What lies ahead for us? Are we prepared? Keeping in mind, money
or lack of it cannot bring happiness or buy health. Or gosh, we were at the
food market and just didn't have enough cash, so we tell the teller...oops forgot
the other cash on my dresser....yeah, right.

So is there an answer on being truly prepared, for anything? Some folks seem
more goal oriented and able to hunker down, complete the courses and end
up with a certificate that reads: Now a doctor...or now an engineer? While
the rest of us fly by the seat of our pants. So, you are not alone if you are
one of those procrastinators, one of those un-prepared souls. Good example
might be Susan Boyle (great voice by the way) who found herself on stage
surrounded by the media and just did not like all the attention. Where is she
now?And folks probably ask: What happened to you? Oh, you work THERE?
Or, weren't you going on that trip? Weren't you studying to be a dentist?
How did you end up driving that truck - didn't I see you at city hall last month?
And on and on. Well, maybe some prefer to be away from the hustle and bustle,
some prefer not to be on that grand stage of life. Fame is fleeting as they say.
So we make do, we want peace and quiet and nothing wrong in that.

But it does beg an answer to that old question: "Why weren't we prepared?"