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- By ciaosusana soren
- Published 06/11/2009
- Changing Behavior
The Top Ten of Unconditional Happiness
1. Whenever you catch yourself focusing on what you no longer choose, love yourself and switch your focus to what you now choose:).
2. Have gratitude, it's a turbocharger for manifestation success.
3. Have that 'can't be bothered' feeling about something? Go ahead and be happy :), it signals you're changing. Then do it (whatever it is you don't want to do). We all like what's familiar and you'll establish familiarity in yourself by doing the thing.
4. WtTT,tPP
What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves.
So, think well and change a limiting belief you have about yourself:
5. Acceptance is the WD40 of Change and Growth
Finding something difficult to accept? Accept that.
Get captured by strong emotions? Accept that.
You are exactly as you are. :) so why not love yourself?
6. Feel the feelings you want now.
People like what's familiar, so get familiar
with the feelings you' ll feel when the things you want show up in your life.
7. You deserve great things, so become willing to receive.
I love myself and....I am receiving.
8. Use Power of Affirmations
You are the big "I am,"
...and you have always been. Say "I am" statements that you know are true a out you to yourself. Affirm your own worth to yourself.
9. All is well, there's nothing to fear.
You feelings, thoughts and fears are not you,
they are only occurring in your experience
and are moving through you.
Allow them to pass through, just observe them. There's no need to voice them.
If any of these concepts are not resting well within you, re-read the Top Ten of Unconditional Happiness. :), and
10. Love Yourself.
The Top Ten of Unconditional Happiness
1. Whenever you catch yourself focusing on what you no longer choose, love yourself and switch your focus to what you now choose:).
2. Have gratitude, it's a turbocharger for manifestation success.
3. Have that 'can't be bothered' feeling about something? Go ahead and be happy :), it signals you're changing. Then do it (whatever it is you don't want to do). We all like what's familiar and you'll establish familiarity in yourself by doing the thing.
4. WtTT,tPP
What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves.
So, think well and change a limiting belief you have about yourself:
- Identify the limiting belief.
- Craft a counter belief that supports you.
- Become willing to let go of the Old belief.
- State the New belief, paying attention to the sensations you're feeling.
- Accept any sensations of resistance.
- Repeat until congruency is achieved.
5. Acceptance is the WD40 of Change and Growth
Finding something difficult to accept? Accept that.
Get captured by strong emotions? Accept that.
You are exactly as you are. :) so why not love yourself?
6. Feel the feelings you want now.
People like what's familiar, so get familiar
with the feelings you' ll feel when the things you want show up in your life.
7. You deserve great things, so become willing to receive.
I love myself and....I am receiving.
8. Use Power of Affirmations
You are the big "I am,"
...and you have always been. Say "I am" statements that you know are true a out you to yourself. Affirm your own worth to yourself.
9. All is well, there's nothing to fear.
You feelings, thoughts and fears are not you,
they are only occurring in your experience
and are moving through you.
Allow them to pass through, just observe them. There's no need to voice them.
If any of these concepts are not resting well within you, re-read the Top Ten of Unconditional Happiness. :), and
10. Love Yourself.