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Happiness Is.........
- By Beth McIntosh
- Published 12/8/2009
- Changing Behavior
How many of us have uttered the words, “I will be happy when...........?”
If we are truthful, most would agree each of us have a tendency to put happiness into a far off future based on situations or behaviors we find acceptable. Seeing the day planets align in perfect harmony in which all circumstances are in order, seems to be perpetually in the future, always within reach, but not quite within our grasp. We need to realize happiness is not something that alludes us, rather finding this inner peace is our personal responsibility that we all control daily in our lives.
The quest for happiness does not have to be a difficult one. It begins quite simply with a thought. In the beginning, you will probably be unaware how many times a day negative thoughts play in your mind regarding a person or situation. When you catch yourself repeating these images, go back to the source and ask yourself, “How does this thought or idea serve me?” If you answer honestly, it is easy to conclude that the pessimistic programming does not serve the highest good in any situation. Rather than focusing on the negative, try to find the silver lining that will shift this problem into a solution. Some of my greatest life lessons (that shifted me out of a rut) came from what I perceived as an unfavorable situation. Today, begin focusing on challenges as opportunities to move out repeated patterns. This in turn, will lead to a new path of peace and happiness. Rather than fighting the situation, surrender and realize to choose happiness over anger, peace over aggression. When you are able to move into this mindset, you will find happiness lives in your present, not your future.
Remember to start and end each day with a smile. It makes the rest of day flow smoother. I challenge each of you for the next 30 days to begin and end your day this way. Try it, what do you have to lose?
Happiness.................. can be found within ourselves today, not in someone else tomorrow.