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Serenity Prayer
- By Steps 2 Serenity
- Published 12/9/2009
- Changing Behavior
"God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference."
How great would life be if we could just follow this simple prayer? My New Year's Resolution is to live by this prayer. I seem to do the opposite in my life. I try to force things to change that I have no power over and at times don't give enough attention to the things in my life that I can change. I don't know why but it is so hard for me to give up control and just LET GO. I know in my mind that there are circumstances in life that are out of my hands and I just have to trust that everything will work out in the end. I know that I am just spinning my wheels and getting no where..then why do I keep pushing forward? Maybe I think if I push hard enough that I can force things to go my way. Life doesn't work that way, as you know. I feel that there are valuable lessons to be learned during the times in our lives where we have no control. These are the times that we are really allowed to grow. Trust would be one of my main lessons. I need to trust God more and know that I cannot do everything by myself. Trust that there are reasons for the suffering in my life. Trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. So this next year I will put this prayer in my sight everyday so I am reminded of the important lessons it contains. How about you? Do some of you think you could benefit from this simple prayer? Maybe you are like me and need the most help with the first part of the prayer and need to give up some control, or maybe you are a person that really lacks motivation and you need to mainly focus on the second part- Courage to change the things you can. Either way it can be a tough thing to do. I truly feel this prayer can teach us a lot and change our lives for the better.
How great would life be if we could just follow this simple prayer? My New Year's Resolution is to live by this prayer. I seem to do the opposite in my life. I try to force things to change that I have no power over and at times don't give enough attention to the things in my life that I can change. I don't know why but it is so hard for me to give up control and just LET GO. I know in my mind that there are circumstances in life that are out of my hands and I just have to trust that everything will work out in the end. I know that I am just spinning my wheels and getting no where..then why do I keep pushing forward? Maybe I think if I push hard enough that I can force things to go my way. Life doesn't work that way, as you know. I feel that there are valuable lessons to be learned during the times in our lives where we have no control. These are the times that we are really allowed to grow. Trust would be one of my main lessons. I need to trust God more and know that I cannot do everything by myself. Trust that there are reasons for the suffering in my life. Trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. So this next year I will put this prayer in my sight everyday so I am reminded of the important lessons it contains. How about you? Do some of you think you could benefit from this simple prayer? Maybe you are like me and need the most help with the first part of the prayer and need to give up some control, or maybe you are a person that really lacks motivation and you need to mainly focus on the second part- Courage to change the things you can. Either way it can be a tough thing to do. I truly feel this prayer can teach us a lot and change our lives for the better.