By Angeloflight Godspeed
Published on 12/9/2009
Loosing everything we've ever owned made us realize what's most important! We are not defined by the clothes on our back, or the houses we live in, nor the amount in our bank accounts. Rather by the Love we give and receive!

We've all heard the expression, "It took loosing everything to realize what was most important to us!" Time and time again we witness people during the most traumatic of times, testifying after they've lost absolutely every material possession they've acquired;including the roof right over their heads! When interviewed, post the traumatic event, despite the horror they just experienced, very evident is the 'Light of Hope' shining on their faces. They don't focus on what was lost, which was everything material, but instead what was gained and display an exhorberant amount of gratitude on their faces;with the Sparing of Their Lives being the Ultimate Message! Is there a Positive side to the global economic meltdown and the surge in natural disaesters? Does the courage and determination of the victims put things into a better perspective for those of us, who may not have experienced a loss as grave as theirs, but have equally been challenged by the global economic meltdown? In the face of such tragedy, the fact that we are not defined by our clothes, cars, homes, vacation properties, stock portfolios, or even the balances in our bank account, becomes more evident than ever! When all is said and done, the most valuable of possessions, is not a possession at all! What we cannot put a price on is the Priceless Realtionships that we maintain throughout our lives. To Love and Be Loved, there is NO GREATER ACCOMPLISHMENT! I would encourage people to start focusing on all they have which is a TRUE BLESSING! Forget about and certainly don't fixate on what you don't have;that list is always too burdensome! Look around you, are you Alone? Well then get in touch with your Maker, let him show you how invaluable your Soul is and that even though you can't see it now, YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! One that is mapped out for you by God himself! Look around you, are there Precious Souls Surrounding you? Well, Appreciate them, and find ways on a daily basis to show them your Gratitude! When we behave from the Compassionate side of our Nature, the results are a Spreading of Love! All those around us reap the rewards of Us being in the Spirit of Gratitude;everything looks more Optimistic! Then there is the ideology that you attract what you project. That being said, Go And Project Your Love and Gratitude! Then sit back and watch the Fruit of Your Labour! It is a Beautiful Masterpiece;as it is an Art to make People HAPPY!