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We all have a burn inside us...
- By Suzanne Perry
- Published 12/10/2009
- Doing Good Daily
You can float passively through life. Many, in fact most, people follow that-- File through the department store line, make the purchase and be on your way. I have a different attitude and way of reading people and situations. I really am like a big kid. Talking directly to strangers is still new to me so I am learning but wow... I have had the weakest start, with my voice a little shaky because the target looked mean... all turned around and within 2 minutes attracted other employees and we were all laughing. I'm just good like that! And that is only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much I want to share. I dont sell CDs on self help.. uh oh the power flickered.. major storm comin thru... Google Suzanne Perry + violence, you'll find me! :)