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Love for Pets
- By Steps 2 Serenity
- Published 12/14/2009
- Inspirational Stories
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A little doggie has captured my heart. His name is Blaze and he is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We have had him for over 6 years now and since my husband and I don't have kids yet, well lets just say he is a little spoiled. =) Before we got Blaze I never really like animals and hated going to people's houses and getting licked to death by their dogs. My husband talked me into getting a dog and it has totally changed my heart. I notice animals everywhere I go now and have a special place in my heart for them.
I didn't realize how much I was attached to Blaze until a couple of months ago. He had a tumor on his back and the vet said we should have it removed. When the vet was removing the tumor he said it very well could be malignant. My husband and I were devastated and I think I cried nonstop for an entire week while we waited to hear the news from the pathology report. It was during that week that I realized how our pets give us unconditional love and are ALWAYS there for us in ways that humans are not. They offer us love and healing during tough times. They offer us a distraction when we need to get our minds off our troubles. They offer us endless amounts of laughter and smiles. For me, our little guy is a huge part of our family. After the long week we found out that the tumor was Benign. Thank God. I will never take for granted all of the blessings that Blaze has brought into my life. I know some of you have pets now or have in the past that really touched your heart. I think you have to have experienced this unconditional love to really appreciate what pets can do for us. I encourage you today to spend some special time with your pet and take him on a long walk, play fetch with his favorite toy, or just get down on the floor and scratch his back and belly. He will thank you for it and I know he will pay you back tenfold in return. =)
I didn't realize how much I was attached to Blaze until a couple of months ago. He had a tumor on his back and the vet said we should have it removed. When the vet was removing the tumor he said it very well could be malignant. My husband and I were devastated and I think I cried nonstop for an entire week while we waited to hear the news from the pathology report. It was during that week that I realized how our pets give us unconditional love and are ALWAYS there for us in ways that humans are not. They offer us love and healing during tough times. They offer us a distraction when we need to get our minds off our troubles. They offer us endless amounts of laughter and smiles. For me, our little guy is a huge part of our family. After the long week we found out that the tumor was Benign. Thank God. I will never take for granted all of the blessings that Blaze has brought into my life. I know some of you have pets now or have in the past that really touched your heart. I think you have to have experienced this unconditional love to really appreciate what pets can do for us. I encourage you today to spend some special time with your pet and take him on a long walk, play fetch with his favorite toy, or just get down on the floor and scratch his back and belly. He will thank you for it and I know he will pay you back tenfold in return. =)