Life after 40..
By Carolyn Anders
Published on 12/16/2009
Christmas and more.

Thank you "all" for reading and for you'r comments. This helps me more than you, thats a fact...So, The everyone else out there confronted with mixed emotions this year also? Wow.. with the economy the way it is and people struggling just to get by. It gives me mixed emotions.. of thankfullness for what  blessings i have but in the same breath the ache of helplessnes. So many people are in need this year and in so many ways or simply just to get through there own "holiday" adventures. My Christmas party is today right after work and my husband and i don't drink and this is a new job for me so it will be interesting how we fit in with all the festivities? I am finalizing all my classes this buizy...and i worked for my co-worker on monday, so that set me back on getting things done for school..but it was the right thing to do and it feels good. Any way, i'm off to work so  keep me posted girls.. on all the holiday hap's in you'r lives and do nice thing today for someone..just one..