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Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
- By Stacie M
- Published 12/16/2009
- Changing Behavior
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am a mom of four beautiful children, and a wife to a lovely husband. I am grateful every day for them and let them know regularly however, I am guilty of what most people are. I forget it. My day starts off with hugs and kisses, breakfast, and school. I buzz through my morning with a smile, that is until one blip hits my radar. Recently there have been many. Like all of us, money is tight and streched thin. Trying to set up payment arrangements, hoping that the next paycheck can cover it all, and trying to figure out how to pay for groceries for a family of six! These daily stresses have a way of knocking the hell out of my bliss. So, I miraculously found this site(yay) and in reading all of the stories from such wonderful, and remarkable people, I am inspired. Today I am going to NOT let myself get caught up in the rat race of life. I am NOT going to stress about money. I AM going to remeber that I am lucky for the blessings in my life and that in the end thats all that truly matters. We have all been told before that your family, and friends are what make you rich. In these terms I am as rich as one could be...and these terms are all that really matter.