Is there hope in 2010?
By John Kitsco
Published on 12/25/2009
It is hope - that can move us forward and must....


If I were a world leader (and one with some respect and
credibility) - my message for 2010 would be -one of hope-
Hope, that bankers consider the social injustice of providing
large Christmas bonus cheques when folks are losing homes
and struggling to make ends meet. Hope, that CEO's and
Lawyers and even owners of smaller companies see the light
and the need to address basic issues in 2010. Hope, that the
problems of climate change are given consideration, not by
just a handful, but all countries on this earth or be forced to
be faced with many sanctions. Hope, that the older citizens
and those with a variety of disability be given priority in
more respects and allowed to live out their days with dignity
and anyone abusive of older people and abusive towards the
disabled be faced with years of forced volunteer work. Hope,
that crime involving drugs and violence and human smuggling
allows the Government to relocate these people to the front
lines in combat zones. And that the leaders have the gumption
to carry through on punishment, never mind the month of good
behavior kind of thing. Hope, that rich nations help those in
need. Hope that our children learn more about agriculture
(where exactly food comes from) and about the endangered
species. Hope, that the average Joe has a better life in all
respects in 2010. Hope, that the real reason politicians take on
a career is for the betterment of mankind and not for the big
fat pension at the end. And hope, that we all take the time to
read and understand the ten commandments and that prayer
shall re-enter the classroom. Hope , that it is not in fact too late
to be hopeful.  And, I hope to see your comments and ideas
for hope in the comment section. And lastly, I hope you all are
blessed with good health and find new success in 2010.