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Tatto Artist Perspective--Receive--- Humbly
- By Nancey Collette
- Published 12/26/2009
- Doing Good Daily
We all know the importance of giving, but have you ever thought about receiving? When you receive a gift do you say, "you shouldn't have" or "you didn't have to do that". Do you buy a gift for someone because you know they are going to buy you one and you feel obligated. It's just as important to receive as it is to give. One of my most special gifts from a client this season was a Christmas ornament. It was a fairy, dressed in a frilly purple (my favorite color) dress, with beautiful rhinestone wings and long blonde hair. My first thought was "a fairy"? Then I noticed her outreached arms and hands. Her hands were small, caring, open, very detailed. The lady was saying with this gift "you cared for me". I accepted the gift humbly, because i knew what it meant to her. Sometimes and open heart and a hug is all that is needed.