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Our Children - Their Healthy Future!
- By Popi Tony
- Published 12/31/2009
- Doing Good Daily
I'm a father of two adopted children and feel very BLESSED to have them in my life. Both my children are healthy, active 5 & 8 year olds that need to be eating SMARTER - healthier. With the busy schedule we keep, it hard to do this. But starting with the new years, I'm looking for easy way to add more nutrition and vegetables in their daily diet. We as parents need to act as role models moving towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.
With the overwhelming numbers of children overweight in the US, hopefully the information I come across will help you and your children as well.
In the up coming days/months I will be looking for ways to help my two eat smarter and healthier without adding a great deal more time in the kitchen.
Our Children - Their Future...
I decided to start off the NEW YEAR with a very basic element - Drinking more WATER.
Our bodies are made up of 90% water and most adults and children do not drink enough water daily. Many children could be considered regularly dehydrated. I took my children to the store and had each pick out a fun water bottle they could take to school. (My daughter picked out a 10 oz pick and my son's is a 12 oz all silver bottle.) Them we found two different flavored powdered drink mixes (non sugar) to add to the water. All you need is a vary little just to give it a slight flavor. The plan is for each child to take the bottle to school each day rather than drinking soda or juice. (Did you know most juices have a great deal of sugar added to them?) After school and on the weekends each bottle will be refilled and kept in the freg so they can easily grab it when thirsty.
I also found a GREAT TIP - when serving your children juice add about a 1/4 water to each glass. It helps stretch your juice, adds more water to your diet while consuming less sugar.
(We'll see how the first week of the new year goes...)
The first week went quite well. Everyone, even the children are drinking more water and not complaining. I'm even drinking only water a work now.
Next we need to start every morning with a GOOD Breakfast. Before leaving for school children need to eat a good breakfast. It helps with attention and focus in the classroom. This meal needs to be quick and easy -- there's not much time in the mornings...
Try a new twist to OATMEAL!
Instinet (quick cook) Oatmeal is quick, easy and great on cool mornings. (I buy the store brand -- its just as good and cost much less.)
Pour the amount you can eat in a microwave bowl and add water. Just enough to cover the top of the oats. Microwave on high for about 3 minutes - Its done. I add a little butter, cinnamon, a little brown sugar or honey. You can even add chopped nuts for added crunch or dried fruit bits. My childs love it. (I've even made a large bowl and put some aside in the freg. for the next morning. Added a little milk before warming and its just like fresh.