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Tell Me Who You Walk With And I Will Tell You Who You Are.
- By Betty Stone
- Published 01/16/2010
- Changing Behavior
I am no one special. If you ever saw or meet me I would fade in your memory . I have not come up with a cure for CANCER. I have not stoped hunger in the world. I have not given a kidney away. I have not figured out away for women not to be RAPED.
I can say that I have CANCER. I can say that I have been RAPED. I can say that a family member of mine will need a kidney from someone one day. I can say that I know people that are HUNGERY.
It is not what I say. Or how I say it. It is how you hear my words.
I may not be someone special that you will remember for ever. I may never be more then the women that has cancer and been raped.
I HOPE that I have been a good Sister,Friend,Daughter,Caretaker,Neighbor,Girlfriend, If I have been all or some of these things then I can say and do say that I have at least touched a few lives in my life for the better and just maybe those people will remember me always.
What I am trying to say to you and I hope you are hearing me is that it is not IMPORTANT that you touch and change the WORLD but rather you be the best person every day you can for the people in your life. Each day that you do this is a day that someone in your life knows that you were good to them.That you were there for them. That you listen to them .That you helped them..
I wish I knew you then I could say that I have one more special person in my life that cares and loves me.
Tell Me Who You Walk With And I Will Tell You Who You Are.