Better to have positive models-than negative ones
By John Goodman
Published on 01/19/2010
About the sociology of then and now hence, what to do in the Future!

Philosphical answers to today's problems
Better to have positive models -than negative ones~                       
        In society from the beginning of popular sports, about the turn of the 20th century,began the idol fixation of the American youth. Here you have young people acting on what famous ball players did. How they act on and off the field of play.The main problem began in about this time  hence, the  glamourization then started. Example, Babe Ruth famous for drinking and womanizing to Reggie Jackson and his million dollar free agent signing with the yankees in 1977.Also the 1980's contracts already had gone through the roof; Million dollar to ten's of million dollar contracts for a human being to play ball". This system of paying men to play and being looked at by five, six, and seven year-olds to teen years is skeptical to me very alarming sometime. Now for this fact, I believe, is the reason we have such indecent youth, with  money starved musicans in hip-hop, drugs alcohol and gambling problems with the teenagers and it goes right down the line with any socio-economic and ethnic background.Other examples of indecent behavior by the players steriod usage, rigging/cheating on the games, leud behavior like loitering, physical violence and players fathering children  when out of wedlock.
                       Now this is what I would like to bring out a cross comparison.
In the time of biblical times Jesus, the twelve apostles and Moses also were people that were looked at as idols because the people that were alive at that time heard and following the death of them read, heard about them and the Bible scriptures, they had their own fixation about these figures. So inturn the atmosphere at that time was 'oh hey we got all these 'positive' people Jesus, Apostles, Moses, all who are Great we going to have a good future and good times, and celebrations!" the mood in that part of the world; the holy land, was happy, joyous, hopeful!
 See what I'm saying. Today the people of today say" Hey you want to have that gold chain, yeah me too let's steal it"-totally-Negative.Then the beginning of the world, they were like "Oh,
hello brother, what is it I can help you with today?" very-Positive. See the comparison I thought of ? it is simple; teach and show good positive people in society and  power and you'll have a well behaved and lawabiding society !!!