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Don't take life for granted ... It's a gift.
- By Stephen Lane
- Published 06/22/2009
- Changing Behavior
Last month I was introduced to something that has completely changed my life. What is this you might ask?
Well, I almost lost my youngest son. He was very badly beaten up and thrown off an hotel balcony from two floors up. He sustained a number of horrendous injuries including a broken back, broken neck, crushed jaw bone and much more. But enough of this as this is not a story about my son but about me and how my son's experience has helped me to become something more than I used to be.
Following this recent experience I have found a new strength - where did I find this? From watching my son go through his recovery. He demonstrated such strength that it has humbled me. I have come to reaalise that when I maon about having had a bad day at work I am really feeling sorry for myself. Do I really have the right to do this? I don't know anymore. As my son lies in a hospital bed in agony I feel sorry for myself because I have had a bad day.
For me this experience has shown me that I have everything to be grateful for. My son is alive, I have a job, I have a wonderful family and life is really good. I had started taking things for granted but this experience has shown me that I should not do this. I should live for today and enjoy every moment. Life is truly a gift and I thank my sone for teaching me this. Deep down I knew it but I had forgotten it.
What have I learnt? Not to take things for granted, especially life, but to enjoy each day, each moment, each relationship, each experience with fullness, acceptance, and gratitude.
I hope these few words help others to wake up and start living for the day ... You never know what is waiting around the corner. And, if it is something nasty, be strong and believe as nasty things can diminish if you have the strength and character - a lesson shown to me by my son.
Have a great day, have fun, be happy, grateful and generous.