Alexandra had a dream
By John Kitsco
Published on 01/31/2010
....and like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, her dream was to build houses, many of them.....


On a cold winter night my wife looked through a family album and stopped to admire a picture of her Mom working in the
garden. And here begins the story of Alexandra...

She could recite poetry and writings of Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn,
and especially liked the work of Alexander Pushkin. Because
perhaps they brought back memories of her own childhood.
Not something to be prepared for, Alexandra lost her husband
at a young age. Two sons were away from home but there were
still four children to care for and feed. What would she do?
Firstly the tears, the loneliness. The quiet nights. But no -
the stars of the night were her guide. And then, like a new
sunrise something was awakened within her. The determination
to focus on her skills, seize the opportunity. In this case, an idea.
A grand idea - to build houses - many of them. Everyone needs
a place to live. But how? and where?  Alexandra surveyed the
situation and found that within the city there was still a great
need for houses. The year was 1956. Alexandra intrinsically
knew - to do the right thing at the right time. Several banks
were approached. Several banks turned her down. She simply
persisted. She finally found a banker who liked her ideas and
would help her get started. Much like the actor Kevin Costner
in Field of Dreams, she liked the idea: build it and they will come...
And not only buying the lot, but arranging the financing, and
working with the crew. Either walking or taking the bus from
site to site. It was not just a dream, but a dream come true.
The kids would not go hungry.

But not without problems, there were some contractors
who were very demanding.  Bills to pay. Some lots to trade
and some plans to scrap. Finally retiring to the countryside
to pursue work as a farmer. And operating a restaurant
in a small town. Someone said Alexandra was ahead of her
time. Perhaps.

And then, one winter night...Alexandra passed on. Leaving
work undone. A note in her pocket with a list of things to do.
Unfinished. And the world lost a house builder. Her lawyer
attended and spoke at the funeral, calling her one of a kind,
a person who was not afraid to move forward and do things,
try things, and in the process care for her family. And love
her country. An actress, a mother, a home builder. She
seized an opportunity.

And I read a poem by Robert Frost on that winter day...
and we shall love and cherish and remember Alexandra.