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Me and Tal cook off
- By PictureMe Healthy
- Published 02/8/2010
- Changing Behavior
- Unrated
Changing Behavior, espcially bad behavior, is a good thing. Change starts with yourself. It may seem like the problem is with someone else, but in actuality it is always with you. If something isn't going well, CHANGE IT. It really is that simple. I've come from a long line of complainers. Especially the women figures in my life. But where has that gotten them? No where good. Headaches, depression, cancer, heart problems, weight gain, that's where it got them, even the grave. None of that sounds good and I don't want any part of any of that. So what will I do differently? Well up until now I was headed down the same dark road. Blaming others for the negative in my life. Yes he could be a better husband, yes my family could visit me more, yes they should give me a chance to have the job, but that's not what happened. So I'm going to be the best wife, mother, me I can inspite.
I've had high percent body fat for as long as I can remember. Have I ever been overweight? NO. I know you're thinking WHAT? I have always been in the mid to low 30% in body fat from 150 lbs to 103 pounds. I'm 5 feet 1" tall. The max weight was when I was pregnant. The lower weight when I was in college and even when I first got married. I gave a half effort to drop body fat, but it didn't budge. So I learned recently that I don't eat enough. Yes you get to eat a lot, just not junk food. Dr. Oz show helped me with a lot of info on this subject. But I decided to start walking on the treadmill at least 3 times a week, but most of all weight training. The weight training has helped me dropped body fat. I started January 2010. I have already dropped to 28.1% as of today.
Yesterday I started cooking from a cookbook. I was inspired by the movie "Julie and Julia." I thought, hum I should do that with a vegan cookbook and I did it! Three dishes the first day! I even had my neice over to help me. She did the dessert. I don't think cooking will be my hobby, but it will give me some new things to eat and my family also. Although vegan we have gotten stuck in a rut with eating the same ole same ole. And I want to get away from so many processed foods. This cookbook will help me do this. The first run was a sucess.
I moved out of the master shower to the main shower. Why? I am a neat person. My husband is not that neat. He's not the worst, but he could sure do better. It is something we have argued about for more than 10 years. I mean really, it's time to stop that. I have decided not to ask him to clean anymore. If I don't like it, I'll still tell him, but that's about all. I'm a firm believe that actions speak MUCH lower than words. So the real reason for changing to the main bathroom? ITS CLEAN. I clean it myself for the children and guest. Let me tell you when I showered in there, it was like winning the lottery. Why start my day (or end it) with a shower that just makes me angry? I hate the sticky feet feeling when I shower, and just that simple action, that feeling is gone. Yes I could have cleaned the master shower myself, but why should I clean ALL the bathrooms? I'm not a maid. It is no more my responsibilty than it is his. We don't have to clean equally, but he cleaned it once in a year span. No that's just not going to cut it. And the heated arguments we get into. I'm talking stroke, heart attack level. I mean really we want to be together but can't get that kind of stuff ironed out, just don't makesince. I remember when we first got married, he would wash the clothes, but when he dried them I could still smell the sweat and dirt. He didn't get the clothes clean. I mean it was obvious. So I told him the clothes still smelled dirty. Know what he said? I'm a miss know it all and just want everything done my way. Now you're thinking, he's not nice at all. That's just it. Nice people say mean things. I didn't care how he washed the clothes, I just wanted them to be clean at the ened. But he always feels attacked when I speak to him. I feel I should have to tell a grown man anything like that. He don't have to listen to me, the directions are on the bottle! So we ended up washing our own clothes for years. I mean really. It's just no way to live and I did for YEARS.
So what's all these words about? Again it's about Changing ME. Starting with the man in the mirror. That's what I'm doing. Changing me. Hopefully for the better.
Cooking, going where I want to go, doing what I want to do. We'll see what happens.
I've had high percent body fat for as long as I can remember. Have I ever been overweight? NO. I know you're thinking WHAT? I have always been in the mid to low 30% in body fat from 150 lbs to 103 pounds. I'm 5 feet 1" tall. The max weight was when I was pregnant. The lower weight when I was in college and even when I first got married. I gave a half effort to drop body fat, but it didn't budge. So I learned recently that I don't eat enough. Yes you get to eat a lot, just not junk food. Dr. Oz show helped me with a lot of info on this subject. But I decided to start walking on the treadmill at least 3 times a week, but most of all weight training. The weight training has helped me dropped body fat. I started January 2010. I have already dropped to 28.1% as of today.
Yesterday I started cooking from a cookbook. I was inspired by the movie "Julie and Julia." I thought, hum I should do that with a vegan cookbook and I did it! Three dishes the first day! I even had my neice over to help me. She did the dessert. I don't think cooking will be my hobby, but it will give me some new things to eat and my family also. Although vegan we have gotten stuck in a rut with eating the same ole same ole. And I want to get away from so many processed foods. This cookbook will help me do this. The first run was a sucess.
I moved out of the master shower to the main shower. Why? I am a neat person. My husband is not that neat. He's not the worst, but he could sure do better. It is something we have argued about for more than 10 years. I mean really, it's time to stop that. I have decided not to ask him to clean anymore. If I don't like it, I'll still tell him, but that's about all. I'm a firm believe that actions speak MUCH lower than words. So the real reason for changing to the main bathroom? ITS CLEAN. I clean it myself for the children and guest. Let me tell you when I showered in there, it was like winning the lottery. Why start my day (or end it) with a shower that just makes me angry? I hate the sticky feet feeling when I shower, and just that simple action, that feeling is gone. Yes I could have cleaned the master shower myself, but why should I clean ALL the bathrooms? I'm not a maid. It is no more my responsibilty than it is his. We don't have to clean equally, but he cleaned it once in a year span. No that's just not going to cut it. And the heated arguments we get into. I'm talking stroke, heart attack level. I mean really we want to be together but can't get that kind of stuff ironed out, just don't makesince. I remember when we first got married, he would wash the clothes, but when he dried them I could still smell the sweat and dirt. He didn't get the clothes clean. I mean it was obvious. So I told him the clothes still smelled dirty. Know what he said? I'm a miss know it all and just want everything done my way. Now you're thinking, he's not nice at all. That's just it. Nice people say mean things. I didn't care how he washed the clothes, I just wanted them to be clean at the ened. But he always feels attacked when I speak to him. I feel I should have to tell a grown man anything like that. He don't have to listen to me, the directions are on the bottle! So we ended up washing our own clothes for years. I mean really. It's just no way to live and I did for YEARS.
So what's all these words about? Again it's about Changing ME. Starting with the man in the mirror. That's what I'm doing. Changing me. Hopefully for the better.
Cooking, going where I want to go, doing what I want to do. We'll see what happens.