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Saving myself
- By DeShawne Coleman
- Published 06/23/2009
- Changing Behavior
It is mid-day, 4pm to be exact and I am sitting at my desk questioning my exsitence. This isn't the first time and I am sure it will not be the last. I have been in this very spot many times before and like the other times I thouroughly evaluate my circumstances and determine what is of real value. I then push the non-sense aside and continue on with my daily responsibilities as if my world is perfectly intact. That sounds like I have everything under control right? The problem is that I never truly deal with the pressing issue... I push it aside only to deal with it in a magnitude state a few months later. I have a career to be concerned with. I have children I have to raise. I have people who depend on me, I can't break down. Does there ever come a point in life where I am given the opportunity to just break? If I do break, how bad would the after shocks be to the ones around me? I have decided to begin blogging as a form of release. I am confronted on a daily basis with situations that challenge my sanity and I am forced to save myself. Writing provides an escape that enables me to get a real view of what I am dealing with. I hope that my writing gives insight and strength to whoever reads it but honestly I truly hope my writing gives me insight into who I am and who I will be and gives me the strength I need to continue to save myself.