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Lucky #7....
- By Jenn Apple
- Published 02/16/2010
- Inspirational Stories
Today was my husband's & my 7th wedding anniversary. Lucky
#7...yay! That's what we're hoping for :o)
To be honest, it hasn't necessarily been easy. There have been times
where we both would have been so relieved to walk out the door & run
away. But, we believe in something stronger than us...we
believe in the promise of Christ & His teachings. It's because of
Him that we have an even stronger bond that holds us tight, in times of our
I think the most realistic proposal of marriage was best stated in the movie
"The Runaway Bride."
"I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one
or both of us is going to want out. But I also guarantee that if I don't
ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in
my heart... you're the only one for me."
Marriage isn't perfect...no one's is. We are all flawed in some
way....and quirky in others. But, it's the endurance (during the challenging
times) that gives us an even greater appreciation for the "mountain top" moments.
Like in any type of training…there WILL be times that you want to give
up...but, if you continue the race, the reward at the end will be even sweeter!
So, what is a successful marriage?
"Success in a marriage is much more than finding the right person; it’s a
matter of being the right person." ~unknown
It is so easy to concentrate on other's flaws...but what we really
should be doing is working on our own. When we become stronger as
individuals, it's only then that we can help grow the relationship.
Do not depend on your spouse to make changes....they may never change, but YOU
can. Marrying someone in the hopes that you can change them, is unrealistic & heartbreaking. Concentrate on you and the Lord!
And remember....
"When the grass looks greener on the other side, water your own
lawn!" ~unknown
Invest in yourself, your future, your relationships, your marriages, and your
You are worth it!
Happy Anniversary, Tommy <3
Here’s to Lucky # 7!!!!