The Last Year i've had many OPPURTUNITIES to EXPLORE the HEALING Potential from within and equally WATCH it RECEIVED! Presently I've been at the HOSPITAL, well the POTENTIAL in here for Healing SELF-EXPLANTORY! Thousands of Patients and Family Members stay and visit. When I see the Elderly rolled in and out of the Elavators, i TOUCH them and SPEAK a BLESSING Upon Them and REMIND them that it is the Year of MIRACLES and GOD'S JUSTICE Poured Out Upon the EARTH! Each and Every One of Them have with Tears and Twinkles in their EYES GRATEFULLY Received  it...and i receive JOY ABUNDANT!  Then there are all the patients on my ward...SUFFERING DEEPLY...SOULS HURTING and TERRIFIED...this being a particular SPECIALTY of Mine...especially when thay Arrive for the first few days i KEEP WATCHFUL EYE on their HEARTS are...Full of FEAR...As if they WILL Never be O.K. Again! First i OFFER COMFORT, that THIS Too WILL Come To PASS...With My GIFT of HEALING i PASS My ENERGY to my HANDS grow So COLD! Then i Begin to TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS and THE HOLY SPIRIT...and how SCRIPTURE are not just stories but THE LIVING WORDS OF GOD...The BREASTPLATE of WAR,  penned by his PROPHETS and CHOSEN to be Our COUNCIL during the LAST DAYS of EVIL RULING the EARTH! Then i HELP GUIDE them to IMPLEMENT the Scriptural WORDS they've observed so they are put into ACTION! They have then WITNESSED How The WORD becomes ALIVE...IMMORTAL! Then i REVEAL that they now HOLD a TESTIMONY in their SOULS that GOD REQUESTS them to SHARE with OTHERS! i WILL WRITE again SOON, now must REST...
Godspeed at ALL TIME
TIME IS Running OUT FOR All EVIL Men +