By Angeloflight Godspeed
Published on 04/3/2010
I think People are Having Angelic experiences and perhaps not quite sure as to what they are Experiencing...If their Glistening Indigo Blue Electric Light doesn't get ya, their Odour of Sanctity is unmistakable! They smell like Flowers of a Garden Quantity with a Heavenly Quality!

For me my Angelic Visitations have brought me Closer to Jesus. Strengthen my personal relationship with him. The Angels always appear when I am in the most fragile or delicate part in my life. Letting me know that I would indeed survive the hell I was currently in but also be Blessed again by the Lord.
My Entire Life they have been my messengers, my direct link to God;hence my Strong Faith! They have brought me Visions of Future Crossroads, all that would Transpire, plus waiting on 2 to do so... When you have an Angelic Visitation it is an Awesome way to connect to Jesus, reminding you how he's always looking out for you and Sheds each of your Tears, reminding you that he feels your sadness for he bore the Cross to take that Pain from you...
Angelic visitations appear to be rare but are people perhaps missing them when they occurr, sometime a stranger says a kind word whom you helped into a taxi, was really an Angel? Would you have noticed? But if you are as fortunate as to have had them, they often start in childhood when the Heart is Pure and Innocent. They appear in energy form of this brilliant Indigo Electric Blue Light and their scent is that of an entire garden of the most parfumed flowers, they call it the "ODOUR of SANCTITY", it is undeniably Heavenly!
I know that the metaphysical world causes people to be anxious and fearful, there has to be a Universal Collective Shift towards accepting these Truths. Those that go through it understand that the experience is so Profound , and doubting them is like doubting God Himself;especially since Angels Act According to the WILL of GOD!
There just needs to be a Greater Awareness that Angelic Beings Have Always been with US, they were Created before Us and they are Presently on Earth Defending our Honour Once again, as they always have! Open Your HEART and SOUL and Listen for them, they're there to Protect You. The Angels they're A BEAUTIFUL Gift from God, why deny them when they're such Splendid Beings...If you can CONNECT with An ANGEL, it is an Experience of Divine Love!
Angelofight  + + +   Godspeed