Presumeably A Dry Year ?
By Old Soul
Published on 04/4/2010
it still is a fact that it all depends on Mother Narture

As we went out yesterday~  to pick~* Pussy Willows*    which we do every year the Saturday before Easter~   we noticed  some changes~
 Of course we head out in the very same  direction and areas~every year ~ as usually there is  water in the ditches along the way~ and the Willows are plenty~
 However this year we noticed  that the ditches  all along the way were absolutely dry~The Pussy Willows were a bit smaller ~and   more sparse~

   But we did manage to find   enough    for what we wanted it for~
   Looking at the fields~ as far as the eye can see~  makes me wonder ~    what the farmers have in store this season  ~   If Nature provides   enough rain ~ will it  remedy the potential of drought?  
 I suppose  time will only tell ~Being a Farner    is certainly risky   today~  but i imagine  farming has always been that way~  It makes me wonder how the folks in the years gone by  ever existed  and managed  to feed  thier large families in those days  ~
 Years ago   they had old equipment and everything wasnt available as today with all the modern equipment and so much more~although it still is a fact that it all depends on Mother Narture~
 and   Rain~