Flying Saucers and things beyond our comprehension
By John Kitsco
Published on 04/9/2010
Life on another planet? Who knows? Are there signals sent and received by special agents? Are we alone or earth - or are we being observed from afar? What do you think?


I have spoken with people who are absolutely convinced that there are other planets with life but possibly not as we know it
on earth? Do you think this is possible?  We all read stories from time to time of UFO's and some believe that there even
times these objects from afar have landed and made contact.
Sounds like the beginning of a very interesting story? Or is this
a lot of imaginary thinking on the part of individuals who prefer
to live in the world of worlds faraway?

I cannot positively say that I have observed something really different in our night sky - but then again there were one or two
times that whatever moved about certainly travelled at a very high speed. A falling star? Going sideways? 

I know there are books and movies and groups of people who
gather to discuss what they have seen, or thought they have seen.

Perhaps we need to be open minded about it and consider with
all the stars in the night sky, just maybe there is a place or more
than one place that is occupied by another - shall we say - species?  Not something I shall dwell on too much but must admit it makes for some interesting ideas.

I would like to see some comments from readers who have possibly experienced an encounter with a flying saucer and
what your reaction was?  And are you positively convinced it
was something totally different from all the things we are
familiar with - here on earth.?