Today~with all the modern conveniences~ I wonder if the art of *hanging out the weekly wash* out on the clothesline has been lost~
I certainly hope not ~But the dryer is one of the biggest energy eaters there are~ in the household appliences~
Its amazing because as i can recall being a child at home mom always used to hang the wash out on the line winter and summer~
When the clothing was brought in frozen stiff and mom hung it on a line in the kitchen~~ it had a wonderful fresh smell~ it never seemed to get in the way of anything and didnt seem inconvienent to any one ~
Nowadays you really dont often see a wash hanging out to dry~ Probably due to many factors~
One of the things is people do not seem to have the time anymore to hang out the wash~ Also the housing is also so much closer with no real big back yards to actually build a clothesline~
Another thing with the way society is it doesnt seem very proper or correct to display the undergarments out in public~\only to wear them~
On farms or acerages~ people might still hang out blankets or wash but i truly think that it is a dying art~ A thing of the past~