Whats with this *High Cholesterol thing?*I think most everyone has been blessed with that ~ So many people are on cholesterol medication~I think it is something that is in thier genes and thats that~ but who knows Gee wizz ~ Years ago all the people that lived on farms used to eat everything ~~~without even thinking about cholesterol ~ They ate pork had cream and lard in the food ~ Why is it ~many of them lived to a ripe old age ?
Maybe its the ~*chemicals*~ that are added now a days ~that is the culpert hey~
But It is what it is * and i suppose you should follow what the doctor tells you to do ~~ after all he didnt go to university~ for people to ~**ignore**~ his advice ~
But ~ dont over do with eating the almighty *Carrot* as it comes out in the skin and you will turn orange~ and look like a walking carrot~Yes the excercise that is perscribed is great because heaven only knows that~** we all**~ can use the excercise~ these days it is too darn easy to become a *Couch Potatoe* or even a *Computer Magnet*~There is medication that can be perscribed for *High Cholesterol But one should investigate all other avenues before settling for any medications~ I suppose by the time we discover the cause and or a proper remedy there will be a new ailment in the works~Thats life ~ go with it and be happy~Dance in the rain~