Everywhere i looked this morning ~ I saw definate signs of *Spring* and Beauty~ The apple trees are all blooming as well as the Nanking Cherry trees~ Beside the deck the little blue Jumpups are blooming~ Alongside the garage there are tulips that have started opening up to beautiful red flowers~
Just everywhere i looked i see the perenials all reaching for the warm spring air and the sunshine~
What could make you more optimistic~ to think of all the beauty yet to come~There stands a trellis against the south side of the garage ~awaiting the sweetpeas to grow and the morning glory to climb with its magnificent blue flowers and display a mass of beauty with the other climbers~
Aww yes~ and i forgot about the Evans Cherry tree and the exotic Willow tree that forms firm little rosets after the pussy willows fall~
By the time summer will be here~ and the babys breath and delfiniums and hydrangea are all in bloom we will surely have a Kaleidoscope of colours~