It is a form of existence....whether it be.. animal or human..
It is so fragile~ We can be here one minute and the next minute be gone.... When we were young... every single thing seemed to be important ..... but not the actual important things....or things that really counted...
We sometimes wanted to look better than the next person.....or maybe get a higher grade......maybe get all the praise.....and be the top dog.
Consequencely .... life doesnt always work that way~
As the years go by ~ Things fall into place~ and we realize that the things that we worried about do not matter anymore if they did at all~
We then look around ...and look at our selves and realize that half of our life has passed us by~ Only realizing.. that we wasted some precious time ... trying to compete or comparing our selves to others~feeling inferior or depressed~
I guess thats a wake up call....enjoy every minute of every hour of every day...... Find the beauty in things and let go of the negative.....
Life alone is beautiful......Just look around you.......