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~Our Amazing Fifty Years~
- By Old Soul
- Published 06/22/2010
- Inspirational Stories
We are counting down ~the days to~* celebrating our *50* th wedding anniversary*~
This is most unbelieveable ~ because ~ in our lifetime~ we have attended many 50 th wedding anniversarys ~ in which the couples were ....or seemed to be pretty darn elderly ~ to me ~ *S* I thought heavens ~ ` they look pretty good for being married all those years~ and lasting the task~ of raising thier family and working and still look wonderful enough to be celebrating a huge milestone ~
Ahh ~ we've got there now ~ and i wonder ~if the younger people think the same ~ saying~* wow they must be older than dirt**S*
Its amazing how the years fly by so quickly ~So many things that happened~ during that time span~ Happiness and sadness~ We have lost so many many dear and precious people in our life ~~
I feel that life is so comparable to a flower garden~New beginnings ~ all different flowers like the different folks that have come and gone in our life time and fifty years of marriage which have broadened our family tree~Like seeds falling and starting new plants~
Each one blooming in thier own times~ like new additions and adding to the beauty of life~
For all this ~ that we have ~ and had to enjoy Including being able to feel and share the love~ of the loved ones and family~ that we lost during this time ~ I feel it has been the art work of God~