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~Beconning a Grandparent~
- By Old Soul
- Published 08/2/2010
- Changing Behavior
Hey *GRAMPS *do your bones ache ~ just a wee bit more~ these days huh ? *S*
Do you walk a bit bent over ? Do you misplace yer specs sometimes ? huh ?
*S* Getting serious ~ have you come down from *Cloud #9* yet?
You know what.....you Never do.......
Every day~ there is something new about that new grandbaby~ yes~~ We have 4 of them now and there is plus plus ~add ons ~ all the time . The circle of life goes on~~ and gets bigger .....*S*
I love the first few months of a new grandchild . Holding them in your arms.. watching them sleep ..is like watching an angel...
The tiny hand that clutches your fingers as you feed them is so precious.....its like a feeling of belonging and feeling secure with you..A most trusting experience~
Thier first little smile...Even if it is *gas*
First sounds .... that only a grandparent can manage to decipher as a real word~ *S*
The thing is ~ we dont see them every day ...like the parents do and of course they *Grow a mile * *S* each time we do see them~
This is just the tip of the iceburg for someone becomming a grandparent for the first time ~Enjoy the most wonderful gift in the world ~that you have recieved~
Welcome to the~* League of Grandparents*~
This Blog is dedicated to my Little Brother~