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~Pros andCons of Development~
- By Old Soul
- Published 08/19/2010
- Going Green
As i look around ~when driving out around the city ~there are so many changes ~its almost hard to comprehend~ why everything seems to be comming closer together ~however it actually is not ~
There is a huge Freeway being constructed ..that is going to connect ...the far south and west ..of the city ..to the.. extreme north east by skirting the entire city ....and not having to go through it..... if it isnt necessary ....In turn..it is going to save a lot of time ~ There are many folks ..that live in bedroom communities outside the city ...and commute back and forth to work..every day.
It will certainly save them a lot of time .Also a great way for truckers to make time which is something they count on with thier work....Years ago that north east section of land was all farm land and large market gardens ..
We were able to ride our bycicles out there and it seemed so far away now looking at it ...as we drive by ...it has all joined the city together to ..seemingly make it closer...
Nearly an optical illusion ...
With New communities rising around us nearly every day ... it is also bringing the little towns closer.. with less space in between ..Every bit of empty farmland nearby is being bought up and being developed..
I wonder where the market gardens will go...
Maybe ....people can .... all put little raised beds... in the little bit of space that they have ...for some fresh vegetables when space becomes scarce....who knows .... Development and expropriation has its pros and its cons ......Now a days it is a thought... as long as the *dirt* is clean......considering.. all the contamination and chemical waste around us..As time goes on i am sure it will all be resolved one way or another,,