What are you thinking? Gosh, what am I thinking?  A penny for your thoughts
just might make us all rich?

Well I am sure today we think about much the same things as those before us.
Sure, it was not a fast paced society but goals were there to achieve, just the
same.  Pay the bills, pay the mortgage. Repair the car.  Send the kids to

Now with all the information flowing fast and furious - many who embrace
the electronic age might be out in the cold without the computer, without
the calculator, without the ipod, without the cell phone. Then again its pretty
much a given we shall see more blimps in the horizon. What would happen
if the internet shut down or you could not use the cell phone? Would life
go on - here on planet earth?  How often you notice - provider down. Try a little
later. Sorry you cannot access your email at this time.

Would it be helpful to remind ourselves we do have the local library -which
seems to be a popular place for many homeless.

Perhaps we are indeed too dependent on this gizzmo or that gizzmo. We need
to get back to grass root, one on one. Get away from the nameless, faceless
society.  Well, maybe thats where we need to go at least for a while, until
we just absolutely need to log on again......

Its food for thought.