During this REFLECTIVE and Emotional SEASONS of our lives, the desire to be even CLOSER to our CHRIST, as we REVEL in his birth and await HIS RETURN, many of us our experiencing the SUPERNATURAL...the DIVINE PRESCENCES all around us that INTERVENE on our behalfs, as we are relentlessly attacked by satan's army of demons;whose days are at an END. our ANGELS save our shall we say deriere's over and over again. Remember the FALL Lucifer took one third of HEAVEN's ANGELS with him to earth(the fallen) so that he would be able to DESTROY us at this very TIME in HISTORY...The TRIBULATION...It is said they are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. No worries though for it is also said that for every demon ther are 8(I think) ANGELS. In other WORD'S GOD'S ARMIES does and will kick satan's butt! No matter how bleak things may seem or get, nor how much TRAGEDY befalls MANKIND during these times...The GOD WITHIN US is rising up...Ready with PEN and SWORD...to go up AGAINST the armies of HELL! We are FEEDING the HUNGRY, going to WAR,SINGING about JESUS on the WORLD STAGES, Caring for the SICK, HELPING our NEIGHBOURS, FORGIVING the unrighteouss, POURING out COMPASSION, SHARING our TESTIMONIES and GUARDING those of our CHILDREN. And we are PRAYING, God knows we are praying from all ENDS of the EARTH;where his name was forbidden and not known! And so it was WRITTEN for us that at this TIME we should NOT FEAR but STUDY and reprove ourselves. We were never left in the DARK, each single SIGN is in the WORD...Just because people failed with their INTERPRETATIONS to see accurately(eg. thinking the LORD would RETURN anytime before ISRAEL was a state, a country)was simply IGNORING the OBVIOUS! Or anytime before a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT was established, again just not possible, REVELATIONS IS VERY CLEAR! As we JOURNEY through the TRIBULATION I encourage you all to ENJOY the RIDE of a LIFETIME!...FEAR ONLY GOD and he will never forsake you...It is also a TIME of GREAT LOVE outpuring of TESTIMONIES and FERVRENT CHANGE...and ANGELS in our BEDROOM... Angeloflight + + +