By John Kitsco
Published on 09/23/2010
My nephew Ian and his wife Brigitta along with my brothers wife (Helen) are off to Whitehorse in the a time when so many folks are rediscovering this great land of ice and snow and many many other great well as some interesting bloggers in the north...

I have not met Kyle Thomas, but I think we would get along. Kyle has the
notoriety of being called the Blog King of Yellowknife, up in the Yukon.
I found out this information while flipping through my latest copy of
Above and Beyond, otherwise known as Canada's Arctic Journal.

Kyle is all of 19 years old. And up in Yellowknife about ten bloggers
get together on a regular basis. Its called a regular bloggers meet up.
Kyle writes a blog under

According to the article, in Above and Beyond Magazine, writer Dave
Brosha tells us that Kyle became top blogger in three short years and
probably the busiest blogger in the north. Writer Brosha goes on to say...
"He has turned his unabashed embracing of technology, coupled with a
relentless love of expression, into a potential career..."

Kyle apparantly posts about five times a week.  Do check out his site.

Meanwhile, Ian and Brigitta and Helen are driving up to Whitehorse
which is the dream hideaway they so enjoy. Trusting their trip will be a good
one without any breakdowns or major bad weather, as things weather-wise
begin to change in parts of the north at this time.

The North is often forgotten but is starting to get a great deal of attention
not only because it is rich in a variety of resources, but also for the fact
many countries feel the way to the north is the way to the future and northeners
would know better than anyone how to respond to that. 

 For  Kyle, perhaps because of his youth - he is looking at other options and
destinations. After all, when you are they say...the world is your
oyster.  And last of all, thanks to Dave Brosha, another blogger to check out is
Megan Holsapple who writes: Reflections in the Snow- Covered Hills.