Some of us have forgotten all about Tiananmen square in l989.
Liu Xiaobo has not forgotten.  The 54 year old writer remembers it all well. Liu is being held in prison in China, to be
more precise, in Liaoning Province in China. His crime was to write a manifesto which sought greater rights in Communist China. His Thanksgiving - spent in prison.

Ironic that Liu Xiaobo has won the Nobel Peace Prize, at a time
he should be celebrating he is languishing in prison, his wife under house arrest.

Yes, how easily we forget and take our own freedom for granted. So let us say a prayer this Thanksgiving time for
Liu and let us also pray for all the soldiers overseas who are there to protect our freedom.

Liu Xiaobo dedicated his award to the lost souls who died in
the mass protests in l989.

We wish for Liu - FREEDOM, this Thanksgiving weekend.
And what does freedom mean to you?

Congratulations Liu. You are not forgottern.