Once you allow fear to creep into your life you have a problem you aren't even aware of. Fear is a consciousness and it now thinks it is needed in your life.
Most times when we have aspects of ourselves that we don't like or are ashamed of we try to make them go away. It won't take very long to figure out that the more you try to make something go away the more persistent it becomes.
There are no "bad aspects" every single one of our fears are coming forth in protection of us. For example, perhaps you move to a new area and are forced to start a new school and meet all new friends. On the first day no one talks to you and some of the people are actually cruel. A fear is being born that day and any day that is even remotely similar to it will bring your fear right back to you. But now your fear has grown from the first time it happened because now we have allowed something to happen to us that is again similar to the first hurt. Each time this occurs the fear becomes stronger and more volatile. I am sure you have known people who are literally frozen with fear. This is why. It is countless situations that resemble a similar fear related situation that brings the person to this point.
The mistake we make is that we try to make it go away. We are disgusted by our now over reaction to things. But, little do we know that the very best thing we could do is to soothe the aspect and thank it for showing up. Thank it for protecting us, for looking out for us, for trying to keep us out of harms way. That is all our fear is doing. It is up to us to remember why it came and how it started and to reassure it that even though a situation that has presented itself is similar to one that hurt us in the past, that it is different and it is ok. In doing this our fear will calmly subside and be so happy to have been heard.