This life that each of us is given, is indeed a gift and
we need to recognize and appreciate that as many other blog
writer has written in his or her own way in the past. We all know
that at some point and time the hourglass shall announce our
leaving. And we all hope and pray our lives are woven into the lives of others as we make the journey of life. We are all precious and beautiful, and we are all pleased that the Good Lord put each of us here to accomplish something or other, however insignificant it may seem. And at times life can seem insignificant. But it is not. Nor is it terribly complex. It is simply
life, much like a play or a movie, with a beginning, and an end.
What happens in between is the substance of our very soul. But we are often too busy to think about it or realize it. We are in our own way, striving to be useful and happy and do our share. Yes, do our share in only ways that each of us knows how. And we are all born and created in the very likeness of God whatever we may conceive Him to be. There are many religions and many pathways, but the final chapter is not for us to know. So we simply go forward, and live our lives.

How inspiring are the simple things. A shred of light coming through the morning window, a rainbow in the sky, the cry of a newborn child, the laughter of a friend. The silence in the rain.
A walk by the ocean. The sound of the magnificent waves against the rocks. A flower peeking through the snow at the start of spring. The ringtone of a telephone that tells us someone special is calling. And how busy we are, ignoring some of the very special and beautiful moments that seem to end as quickly as they begin. How short, this journey of life. But how we love to complicate the journey. How we love to be important and significant, and yes, we are. Do not forget that: We are all important and significant, no matter who we are, no matter what we have or have not done. No matter where we have or have not been. Just by simply being a child of God, we shall have lived and loved  in ways we tend to forget. But we are never forgotten. Love shines bright into the night.

If I could find a simple prayer that guides each of us, I suppose it would be a prayer of thankfulness, that each of us recognize the need to be happy and thankful for the many small miracles that guide us on that daily journey - called Life. And yes, each of us shall have a final blog. Some final words. Some final thoughts. Some final wisdom for others to find and share the light....that guides us and allows us to guide others...