LIFE -As time goes, as time flies-
By John Goodman
Published on 02/9/2011
A poem about life and the changes we go through


As time goes, as time flies

As time goes and flies 
Children need school,

As time goes
The U.S. president holds another press conference,

As time flies
A professional ball team wins it's first game of the year,

As time goes
The world is on the brink of another world war,

As time flies
Somewhere a boy passes his college entrance exams,

As time flies
We're having sunny skies in the forecast

As time goes
The headline of the paper reads stock market falls again,

As time goes
The polar caps are melting and causing water levels to increase

As time flies
A wiseman is thinking on what it takes for world peace,

As time goes
A young mother puts her head to sleep on a pillow,

As time flies
Down this road of ours you finally decide to get married,

As time flies
Sometime in the near future people will unite and agree on

And that is my life ...Peace John Goodman