There comes a time ~in ones life ~when we look around and make a personal assessment ~ of our lives~ Things that we have achieved ~ Things that matter most to us  ~ and how things are proceeding~
 As we grow older ~ one of the natural things that happen is *slowing down*~ Of course thats not a bad thing~
In my opinion if differs for the males and females  ~
 I find~ that females seem to be able to cope a lot easier~ with the ailments that bestow us~ Not  in all cases~ of course  ~ Only of the ones~* that i know about*  ~ Not demeaning the male   race~But it is true~ as far as i have seen ~Of course it also depends on the severity of the ailment...Keeping it all together in a relationship of a senior couple ....can and has been  stressful some cases........
 However ~ one case.... in particular~ I found  it rather *amusing and *helpful* in the aging process~
 That   deafness  to a certain point helps...... 
 I had an aunt and uncle that both lived* to a very ripe old age* and the aunt was *very deaf*  they had a *marvelous long happy and normal*  ~ married life together  ~ 
  Well~  It did not matter....  what the uncle said or answered ..Because....   thier  communication had been established...... after so many years together  ~ They both knew....** exactly** without hearing ..what the other one wanted or needed .....or simply by looking at each other  ..... it all worked out perfect...
 Now if life was or the other would be the stronger one taking care of the other one 
and hopefully that happens for us ..