First impressions ~  have always been an* importance *  with me ~   for years   ~
 Isnt it strange  that it took *This long*   for me to understand and realize  ~ that  everything  isnt the way i have always seen  it~~ Maybe its becuase i am maturing  so much more at the age~ I have no idea why it took so long`**S**~ or maybe  i have developed more patience  now ~
 Whatever the reason may be ~ It is a *Good thing*~ There have been some people in my life that i have met once and did not bother to relate to them again  ~ something like listening to some music or song and turning it off immediately as it annoyed you ~~  ` Like the people i just described  ~
 At this time in my life  ~ i find it easier to tollerate some people or things   ~ *like noises*~ I was always under the impression ~that when we got older~ we got more impatient  ~ No so with myself  ~
  Maybe life was a learning thing for me  ~I suppose  it does help asking for a bit of patience   every now and again ~In your prayers~
 Of course there are still a lot of things  that i dont understand   ~ mostly with the young folks ~  Mainly the way they do some things   ~ But then again  ~ I have to remember   that everything changes  as life goes on~  ~ I suppose thats one of the reasons  ~that some say negative remarks about them~ and have a harder time adapting ~to the ways of young people today ~
The young folks are our future   ~  so i suppose we should *chill* so to speak in terms that they use  ~ *S*Like the old saying goes   **Never Judge  A Book By Its Cover~