By John Kitsco
Published on 02/20/2011
I remember driving down to Chicago in my 1967 Red Valiant- around 1970. So why do we need a passport now?

Some things are funny and you remember those things. Like the time Dad was told he could not bring an apple over from Washington State. He calmly said to the Border Guard - he would eat the apple, and did. Then we crossed over to Canada.

Some things really make you wonder. I realize that with the concern of terrorism and transportation of drugs and other things there seems to be a concern. Notwithstanding the fact we are neighbors, Canadians and Americans. Living side by side.

I believe history has shown that both the people living in the
United States and us cold and frozen folks up here in Canada
live much the same. Or as Dad used to say, we pretty much put
on our pants the same way.

It just honestly seems to me that the matter of good relations
and honest understanding deserves a little more trust. As well,
tourism would certainly benefit- if we just eased the regulations a little. As they were before.  There could certainly be other ways to track those hell bent on creating problems. And what we
would save in the way of time and trouble - not having to have
a passport- would make for the old days feeling - that yes, we
can get along and carry on and enjoy each others company without the worry that something real bad is going to happen all the time.  Certainly technology and good solid police work should be able to do the job nicely...don't you think?

Do we really need a passport to cross that border?