By John Kitsco
Published on 03/28/2011
Drawing a line in the sand, for one reason or another could be similar to putting up a fence or a wall. And we need to ask ourselves, are we keeping people out or simply not letting ourselves in?

I spoke with a person today who mentioned that she had not spoken to her own brother for over twenty years. And that from
time to time she finds out that he tells stories about her, that are
not very nice....

How many of us know of such similar circumstances? The idea
of building a wall, whether real or imaginary, putting up a fence,
a barricade. But also, by so doing -keeping out the opportunity
of building or re-building a better connection with those that
perhaps would appreciate our comments, our few precious words,
such as Hi, How are you? How is everything? And funny thing -
they say talk is cheap, those precious words don't cost anything,
but if they come from the heart, they mean everything.

Sure, we are all humble human beings, we tend to say the wrong
things at the wrong times and many of us hold our ground and
simply think, we said it, why regret it?  Well, again, those words
can be like the warmth of the sun or like a poison arrow. We need
to sometimes change our game plan, just as professional sports people do, take a different perspective and simply bite the bullet
and instead of acting like an enemy, be the real pro and be willing to say - sorry, I didn't mean to say that.
But no, we are stubborn, hold our ground, the years pass by and
one day standing beside a grave, we cry and mourn our regrets.
And yes, we all do these silly things. When it could be different.

So next time you draw a line in the sand, just ask yourself
who is being kept out and who is being let in.  Just a thought.
And have another beautiful day, wherever you are - in this
small universe.