Yes folks, I feel its so important to give that person in the mirror
a good look and inquire - how are you? Any aches and pains -
or like the song, then again, too few to mention....
Yes, there is always someone somewhere who is truly not doing well and needs a little inspiration. Someone in the hospital, in a
senior care center, in prison, hurting from a broken relationship, someone who just lost a home in a fire, or someone
hurting badly from a motor vehicle accident. Or perhaps a soldier arriving back home - minus legs.
And again, the question to that person in the mirror - is the
glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full. An important question. We need to
give ourselves the once over, ask ourselves, who are we? Where
did we come from? Where are we going? Are we happy? And if
not, why not? Are we our own worse enemy?Or our own
best friend? How did we fail? How can we pick ourselves up
again - and succeed?
I cannot give you answers to the above, only an insight, only
a suggestion, that is, to keep on keeping on. Weather the storm.
And to remember truly - each day is a new beginning....
May the sun shine upon you and warm your heart, wherever
you are...