Have you ever noticed   how different we tend to feel as we get older ? When i was young ~ Everything seemed to be so much more important  `  ~ To begin with it was so important  to get the children through school and get everything done  in the house  ` The house work and the garden and replace things in the home that were wearing out and get things painted that began looking drab etc~
 As time went by and it was all done and kept up and  the kids all grown up and gone their own way ~ we slowed down   .. quite a bit~
  The years go by ..and we just seem to take one day at a time... Actually  We really do*only* pretty well ..what is absolutely necessary~ It doesn`t matter if we buy any new clothes.. as we don.t go out much any more if any ~
 We can sit and find mistakes that other people make  *S* and maybe contradict  them or Not *S*
 Or just enjoy the freedom that we have now that the main *Feature of life* has past us by ....
 I feel as we all *Mature* we tend to mellow and i think it is a good thing  ... what do you think ...