So, have you ever thought that YOU, dear reader - might be addicted to porn? It has been said that close to 75 % of people worldwide might
well be addicted. 20% of Christian women and 50% of Christian men
are said to be porn addicts!?

Dr. Ken Skinner has an interesting blog about porn on the internet.
Dr. Skinner surveyed 4000 people and 50% of men and women surveyed felt they could not stop watching porn.There is some common
behavior in those who drink, smoke and do drugs. Its an escape from
emotional pain. Also, many who watch pornography are turning direct to pornography as an escape from emotional pain. Dr. Skinner tells us
porn is a joy killer. It sucks the life out of life and love. Let us repeat

People feel helpless.Hundreds write to people like Dr. Skinner or to
their Priest, Minister, Rabbi.  It is a known fact that porn has destroyed
marriages.Or sometimes there seems to be a lack of trust as a result of
porn.And porn can (and does) interfere with work and school and
University.Some chemical changes take place when someone watches
porn. And porn is said to alter the brains pathways - thus, addiction.
Individuals become dependent on it. And like someone who has a
drinking problem, individuals experience cravings and even withdrawal

Do check Dr. Skinners five steps to recovery on the internet and
if you have a problem or know someone that does, perhaps this is
the beginning to the road to recovery. Good luck and God Bless.