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Thank you for the Music....
- By Positive T
- Published 08/4/2009
- Changing Behavior
So, I'm sat here at my kitchen "office" working today and all I can hear is my neighbour upstairs singing. Badly. Really badly. So off key that the cat's in the street are howling and my dog is looking at me with pleading eyes to make it stop! But you know as bad as it is, I can't help but smile, because I know the power of a good sing song. When a song just sweeps you up and you get so lost in it that you have to sing every word and you don't care who hears you. In fact, poor guy he probably thinks he's safe in the privacy of his own home. But we can all relate can't we? When we're in the car and your chugging along and the sun's out and you feel great. You can't help it. I used to have a really long commute from work a few years back. I found that on days when I didn't have the radio on or listened to the news or a discussion programme, I would be shattered and listless by the time I got home. But when I listened to music and more importantly when I sang along, at the top of my lungs, oblivious to the traffic outside, I would be transported on air and the journey was always too short. The power of music to transform us, to uplift, to move should never be underestimated and in my view is not used enough as a way of feeling good. I don't just mean plugging yourself in and nodding your head a little. I mean cranking that volume up and belting out that tune. Last week I went to an Oasis concert. Now, I like Oasis, but I was dreading the crowds, the wait, and living in London, the very probable rain at this open air concert. I huffed and puffed as I got into my seat and thought " I'm too old to be going to big concerts....". But when the lights went down and they started to sing "Don't Look Back in Anger", well I was up out of my seat singing with the rest of the stadium and I never sat down for the whole show. Hoarse the next day ? You bet ! I now very consiously make an effort to sing if I am sad, mad or upset. I have a set of songs which I know will make me feel incredible by the time I've finished singing them. I would recommend everyone have such a list. Music is such a great gift, we should all make sure we have it in our lives every day.