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- By laia chipkin
- Published 08/6/2009
- Changing Behavior
Im so tired of hearing dissenters…
Who freely speak out and resent,
The people now running this country,
From senators, congressmen, presidents.
After all if you’re having a problem,
You only have yourself to blame,
For allowing the ugly to blind you,
And making you do things insane,
Like voting for people who hunger,
Only for the blood letting they shed,
Who send us to fight their fake battles,
While they calmly lay in their beds;
And as you willingly send off your children,
To fight a ridiculous fight,
Did you ever once question the reasons,
You’d send your own children to die!!!!
What’s the matter with this sad society,
When did all of you just close your eyes,
Instead of attacking your “leaders”
You should look in your mirrors and cry!!
For the mistakes that you willingly entered,
When you voted for people you chose,
Without ever once looking much deeper,
Than their skin color or their rich clothes.
You just think that you’re all so enlightened,
But it’s so clear that you are the clones,
Of the siblings and parents before you,
Who created the fate that they chose,
And now short of a civil war battle,
I think you must finally realize,
That the world is the way that you made it,
And it’s time that you opened your eyes,
For unless you can personally change things,
Your voices should not see the light,
Because what you mock of this country,
Did not just occur overnight.
Its not about illegal immigrants,
Though agreed it’s not fair we should pay,
And its not about too many minorities;
Because now we’re all one anyway,
Its about the ulterior motives,
Whatever that may be to them,
Of the ones you keep voting in office,
The ones you keep calling your friends,
The ones who have made us their worker bees,
And taken our futures away,
Its not just this generations’ fault,
That we all work for so little gain,
The stark truth is we all created,
This great land of “democracy”
By voting for those who instill anger,
And spread lies that you all believe!
So if you want to be angry all the time,
And make others angry with you,
Remember they just may realize,
All the contributions that came from you too.
So in conclusion I’ll ask you to think hard,
If you really think you have the key,
But if you can’t stop your whining and change things,
Just stop sending those emails to me!