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COUPON EXCHANGE - Change Lives Through Trading Coupons
- By Vounteer4God God'sHands&Feet
- Published 08/6/2009
- Charity Work
Vounteer4God God'sHands&Feet

I had a thought during the NBC Nightly News. A coupon exchange where people could trade coupons they don't use for ones they will use. Then for about a month I tried to think of a spot to have the coupon exchange. Again on the NBC Nightly News they had a story on a library and I thought "That's it! The library!" Not that long after I made a date.
I got an email from one of our local news stations. They wanted to interview me! So on the Sunday before I was on the news. I was anxious before but cool as a cucumber doing the news story. Thank God.
On August 4th, 2009 we had our first coupon exchange. We didn't know what to expect. I asked Mom on the way over to the library how many it would take to be a success. She jokenly said "One."
When we got there and even before we were ready to open we had one person there to look over the coupons. After we opened we had a lot of people come in. I even had one go to a lecture telling another person "I would rather go to the coupon exchange than this lecture." I got a laugh at that.
It was a success and we already have the next date set. October 6th 2009 from 2-6pm. Two hours longer than last time which was 3-5PM. I can't wait.