By John Kitsco
Published on 10/18/2011
When Mom was alive, she had this little cardboard with a saying on it: God loves ordinary people, thats why He made so many....

Mom had many wonderful things to say.  And even when she simply smiled you felt she was getting ready to make a statement. Or maybe that smile was in a sense, a statement. And we need to feel God's love, each and every day, as life goes by so quickly.

Look about on a busy street or a city bus and take note of the many various people, All shapes and sizes and colors.
And just like the trees in the forest, it is this basic diversity that makes things interesting.

We all get busy and caught up in things. And as the saying goes, life is what happens when we are having fun. Though its not all fun, the medical tests and worries, the fact that hair turns gray and muscles do not flex so readily. The fact that some of us simply do not sleep so easily and feel tired. Its important never to take life for granted Mom would say. Cherish each moment.  Visit friends and loved ones while you still can - they may not be around the next day.

Ah huh. Yes, could not make it to Ethels party,
too busy, yes could not visit our cousin who lives out in the middle of nowhere. Just no time.  Right?  Wrong!  Who tells us there is a right time or wrong time. We do. Yes, we make all of those dreadful decisions that we live to regret.
And why? Just too busy? Just not in our schedule? Just.....just what?

Ah well, before long we are old and sit and patiently wait for friends and relatives to come on over for a visit. Most do not, after all - we were the ones too busy once upon a time. And time has caught up. And we get tired. And wait for the sun to set....ah, life.....

But we have the opportunity to be helping and decent human beings. We have the opportunity to take the time, if we make the time. Yes, thats it. Make the time for your fellow man. Help someone on the bus, at the grocery, in the entrance to the hospital. Give a little. What does it cost you anyways? 

Just a moment of your time!!! And then you will be standing there with that big smile that makes a statement, like Mom, a statement that tells us who you are and what you stand for. And that is something neither time nor money can buy....
Precious. its that word.
