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- By Ed Cooper
- Published 08/24/2009
- Changing Behavior
- Unrated
I am heading to a family reunion this weekend that I have not attended in at least a quarter of a century. I have very mixed emotions about it. I will be glad to see folks I have not seen in ages, but I wonder how the reception of one who has been gone so long will be. Will I be warmly greeted with open arms or will people be reserved and asking themselves why have I returned after all these years. I am guessing it will be mixed.
Thinking about the reunion got me to thinking about how hard it is for people to go to a new church for the first time. The first time I walked through the doors of the Glen Alpine United Methodist Church I had no idea how I was going to like it. My wife had gone there before. Her mother had attended as both a child and an adult. I mentioned my fears one day while teaching an adult Sunday school class and one of the members of the class seemed offended that I had even doubted for a moment that I would not be welcome. We are not always aware what people standing outside our faith communities looking in at us are thinking. Maybe that is one of the reasons we are not as good at reaching the world as we might be.
In the United States the UMC along with most denominations are declining in membership. We do not have to become like the world to minister to the world, but like Jesus we must be willing to meet people were they are. Understanding the other person’s viewpoint and being willing and able to truly listen is the only way to reach out. You don’t have to agree with a person to actively listen to their point of view, but not doing so will close their ears to yours.
I don’t agree that one has to comprise one single bit of the Gospel message or tone it done. I don’t agree it needs to be preached with other religions, philosophies, and modern political correctness so no one will be offended by the Gospel. I believe one must present the Gospel as clear as they can to the best of their knowledge while recognizing they are always on a journey of learning and perfecting their own knowledge and Christian life.
I don’t believe all religions are equal or even that all Christian theologies are equal. I do believe that unless you approach each person within the church or outside the church with love, empathy, compassion, active listening, and in humility then you might as well simply be talking to yourself.
The example our Lord gave us was to respect even the lowest of the low. How can we do less? I am looking forward to the family reunion with Jesus.