Published on 08/25/2009
My goal is to have people having difficulty in their lives to have a place to go to. My hope is that people that will come to us, people will respond knowing somewhat of what they may be going through. Maybe people could help them having been through hard times themselves, but have now come through... On the other side, people could write in about the good times they are going through.... This could have such an impact on people that are so down, they see no way out... It's a long crawl to see light after being in the black hole. People that have been there, but are now doing well could give inspiration to all of us.... We need to help each other, band together, and educate, those that carry a stigma against mental illness.. That is what my mission is now. I am an intelligent woman, have been blessed with many gifts and a mental illness. These are the cards God dealt me, I play them as best as I can. I know alot of other people have been dealt a worse hand than I.... I try to remember that always. I have always helped people. I worked in the medical field for 26 years. I loved it. That's gone now. I was very honest about my illness, to my detriment. I don't think I should be ashamed because I have a brain that is not wired the same as everyone elses. I am not a holy roller, but I believe in God and Jesus. They have never let me down. In my darkest hours, I never felt totally alone. I believe everyone has a mission in life... At this point I believe my mission has changed. Now I feel I want to help educate, remove the stigma and prove to ourselves that we deserve respect, even if we are different. It's a prejudice just like others. I used to say over and over.... "Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope, there is no life....

My goal is to have people having difficulty in their lives to have a place to go to.  Hopefully, those that have been there, will give positive and helpful advice.  Even when people are feeling well, they could write in as an inspiration having been there and now have come through.  I feel we need each other for strengh and one persons experience could actually help someone else...